Obese children and adolescents have exposure to heart disease in the future

Obese children and adolescents have exposure to heart disease in the future

A study has warned that obesity in childhood or adolescence can affect the arterial blood in the body and damage the heart in the future and increase the risk of stroke.
A specialist in pediatric hospital Nation Wide Judith kroner for children, the study linked obesity in childhood and "dysfunction" in the cell layer related to blood vessels that may lead to deposition of fatty substances in the arteries, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke and congestive heart failure.
The lecture also kroner at the University College of Medicine in Columbus, Ohio U.S. "If we look at the relationship between obesity and heart disease, this information is of concern, especially if we look at the large number of obese children and adolescents in our country."
The study, published in the journal "Pediatric Academic Society" a group of children aged between 9 and 18 years.


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