How to maintain your weight?

How to maintain your weight?

Many succeed in reducing the weight, but soon after lost kilos back again after stopping the diet.

Expert advice
Experts recommend the following into account the need to maintain weight:

- Check the body's need for real food: Try to know your body needs real food, before and during eating, sometimes be the motivation to eat is the boredom and depression, and often up rights to the stage of satiety, and continues eating.

- Try to get two meals a day of fruits and vegetables, and eat other health such as: bread is whole wheat.

- Do not deprive yourself of your favorite food; because it will weaken the steadfastness, and thus fail the diet, but the solution is to eat a little of your favorite candy bar, with control of personal desire in the food.

- In the home should remove food from the kitchen table, and placed in containers that do not remind you of the food, the more I saw, that can put food containing high calories in places difficult to access in order to reduce the motivation and the desire to eat.

- Think of the small things; dealing with small-sized cake is better than dealing with a large cake containing a quantity of grain is enough for the whole day; where there may be where the number of calories.

- Eat fiber-rich, they stay in the stomach for a long time, and delay hunger.

- Dealt with emotional problems and family and mental health; not even be the reason behind the permanent feeling of hunger, and eating many foods to escape them.

- Address of 3 - 5 small meals, including a short time.

- When you're very hungry, eating foods filling the stomach with low-calorie, such as: «cucumbers - lettuce - tomatoes - apples - grapefruit juice».

- When you feel hungry, Busy yourself with any other activity, reading a newspaper or a book, or talk with colleagues in any subject.

Food to Dieting

Some of the foods that help systems diet and keep it:

- Green beans: that could be addressed without fear of obesity, each contains 100 grams of which 40 thermal units.

- Banana: banana and cut off one of appetite, one of the most fruits contain the calories, 100 grams of banana contains 100 calories.

- Carrots: It contains a lot of vitamins, 100 grams of carrots contains 45 calories, but rich in sugar, and recommended more frequent than in the diet.

- Eggs: boiled, fried, contains a protein, but is not recommended more frequent than enough eggs per day.

- Coriander: A vitamin-rich vegetables, raw or cooked, can frequently be addressed without fear of weight gain.

- Apple: If you feel hungry at any time could be dealt with apples, apple is better to be green, it does not contain a lot of sugars, P-100 gram apple contains 60 calories.


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