What is cholesterol and how to avoid high blood? And also what its relationship to heart disease?
What is cholesterol and how to avoid high blood? And also what its relationship to heart disease?
(Consisting of cholesterol from: - excessive consumption ...............)

Whole milk, cream, egg yolk, cheese, biscuits, fatty meats, cholesterol and consists mainly of saturated fat found in different types of food, especially in the fat and ghee.
The high blood cholesterol due to consumption of these foods frequently to the narrowing of the arteries is responsible for these vessels deliver blood to all parts of the body and lead to a decrease in the amount of blood that feeds the whole body and heart as a member of it. If you reached this decrease in the amount of blood feeding the heart muscle to a low level, this will result in the disruption or cessation of the heart muscle to pump blood to different parts of the body, and that smoking, obesity and lack of physical exercise and also injured one of the parents or siblings of heart attack of the factors that increase the chances of exposure to heart attack or a rise in blood pressure.
This can be confirmed within a few minutes to know the level of cholesterol in blood. And then your doctor will provide the necessary advice and are not necessarily drug that some cases of high blood cholesterol can be controlled either dietary or physical exercise, or both. It may be obvious to reduce the above-mentioned foods and eat more fat, less saturated (eg chicken - turkey - rabbits - oily fish such as tuna) and also eat more fresh fruit and vegetables (especially artichokes).
(Artichokes handles cholesterol degree Imteaz)
LONDON: A recent British study of the University "Reading" the artichoke or "artichoke" benefit in the treatment of cholesterol, especially when it is in its early stages before reaching dangerous levels.
The study indicates that artichoke alone and without having to deal with any medicine, could eliminate the cholesterol is in its early stages.
It is noteworthy that cholesterol is the main reason for the blockage of the arteries and the resulting blockage of the arteries and heart disease that may be up to the fatal heart attack, official figures show that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in most countries of the world.
Explains Dr. Rafael Bondi, the study that the benefits of this plant is concentrated in the green leaves. Has been shown that the juice of such securities, or Alkha, helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood and clear and quick as well.
He says that there are dozens of types of vegetables and fruit useful in the treatment of cholesterol, characterized by these plants Kalokhaddr bright colors, red and yellow, especially citrus fruits and berries of all kinds, onions, parsley, green tea and .. Dark chocolate or black, according to the newspaper "Arab Times".
It should be noted that most of the peoples of the Mediterranean basin sees in artichoke (artichoke) an effective treatment for digestive problems of all, scientific research has demonstrated this feature of the modern plant that fills our markets throughout the year.
Cholesterol herbs
Are there any plants or herbs, or derivatives can reduce cholesterol?
(Yes, then yes, then yes)
1 - Apple Apple:
Eat Tvathtin or three apples per day reduced blood cholesterol, as the cortex of the apple pectin-rich material that removes deposits of cholesterol.
2 - Artichoke Artichoke as shown above.
3 - Carrots Carrots eat carrot a day you expel cholesterol
4 - Garlic Garlic
5 - Onion Onion
7 - Hawthorn Hawthorn
8 - oat bran Oat Bran
9 - Mustard Mustard
10 - soybeans Soybeans
11 - Fish Fish
* Can the person that reduces cholesterol without the use of any medicine.?
Yes, there are six ways you could, if followed to stay away from cholesterol drugs.
1 Cut the red meat as much as possible, and reducing the poultry meat.
2 Stay away from dairy products.
3 Do not over-eat eggs should not eat more than 4 eggs per week.
4 use of monounsaturated fats such as oil saturation Alsifara Filomara, almonds and olives.
5 Use the soluble fiber, such as Plantago Psyllium regularly in your food.
6 you walk daily and ongoing basis.
Ten Commandments for people with high fat and cholesterol: --
1 * away from ghee and butter and cream and generous, and allows the use of ghee made from corn oil.
2 * prefer to use olive oil or corn oil or sunflower oil in cooking, or added to the authorities. And prefer to avoid coconut oil and palm oil and vegetable oils (Vegetable Oils) without specifying the type.
3 * The best types of meat, which dealt with the injured cholesterol: fresh fish from the small and medium-sized and even be grilled or Msellouka, and chicken (without skin), and recommended decreasing the fat of meat in general and to avoid fat in meat, eat meat, preferably grilled or Msellouka (not fried), and are advised to avoid fried foods and fried foods in general.
4 * away from the egg yolk and the brain and liver and kidneys, and allows Bwhittin per week, and egg whites Fmsmouh him, and advised minimizing Alostakouzp and shrimp and crustaceans in general ..
5 * recommended moderation in drinking milk or skim milk, low fat and low-fat cheese, and skim milk (skimmed milk) and low-fat cheese, could be dealt with without restrictions.
6 * is recommended to avoid Arabic sweets and pastry and chocolate and ice cream, creams, soft drinks, unless they are of the type (Diet)
7 * allows a little nuts (Peanuts), such as peanuts and pistachio nuts and walnuts, and because they contain oils are not harmful, and be at the request of the self and all account without verification of such excess, which says (on my tongue and Tnsany) ... and where if ذاد is a bad thing to him and even if it was useful, and because it is very rich in calories (and prefer to refrain from).
8 * are advised to eat brown bread (and if it is thin), and a lot of vegetables, fruits, and reliance on carbohydrates such as potatoes and wheat (Groats and AllAfrica) and pasta instead of relying on fat.
9 * are advised to exercise walking fast for 20-30 minutes a day, or 3-4 times a week at least.
10 * recommended weight loss and access to the ideal weight as possible. (Measured along the body ... and then deducted from it a hundred) and the rest this is the ideal weight for the body.
(Is there an effective treatment for cholesterol)
Yes, there is the good of the herbal medicines to lower cholesterol as follows: --
Oats (Quaker), and you can make soup from it daily
And also drinking a glass of juice daily Islands
And eat three apples of the type red, and God willing will be reduced cholesterol
Also, garlic tablets in the form of a pharmaceutical preparation, located in pharmacies good cholesterol.
* The best thing to lower cholesterol is: -------
Garlic and celery, fenugreek, Avokato and sesame seeds and the type of fungus (mushrooms), known as Shestack (SHIITAKE).
For food is prohibited: --
Milk fat, or full-fat yogurt, and cream, and sweetened condensed milk and yoghurt, and dignified, and vegetables, fried or cooked with fat, or white sauce, or gravy, as well as canned vegetables and cooked. Alsifara Filomara not to eat the fruit, as well as the added fat bread, rice cooked with meat or iodized oil mixture, or butter, and Almikronp have added fat, sauce or red, or white, boiled potato or added to fat, or butter or Groats and Alsliq.
As well as all kinds of cheese than normal proportion of fat than 5%, made from ordinary milk, fried eggs or an omelet, or Alchukhukp, which have added fat in cooking as well as eggs in excess of the permitted number, fried or fatty meat mixed with grease, and skin chicken, or have fat added during cooking, the liver, kidneys, hearts Trotter, brain, spleen, the Sanat, Alascowza, lamb and shrimp, oil mixture, ghee, butter, cream, stones, nuts, grease, Almainoiz, Salsa, and margarine , and prefabricated foods, tahini red.
And desserts, pastries, and cakes, which enters in the manufacture of butter or margarine or cream or white eggs, ice cream, Almhellbip, Kramelli and cream, and chocolate, and sweets So go ahead and enter the nuts, coconut and flavorings such as Magi, mustard, gravy, or chicken soup with prefabricated or canned.
The food allowed are: --
Skimmed milk, yogurt or yogurt made from skimmed milk, vegetables, all boiled or green as it is, and all fruit juices except Alsifara Filomara, all types of bread without adding fat to, rice, Almikronp, potatoes without the fat, low-fat cheese Quraish less than 5 % fat, and eggs Fbhd maximum of three eggs a week, and just not Msellouka can be dealt with more than three eggs after the removal of any yolk albumin only, while the meat can eat chicken without the skin and other birds such as turkey, fish, boiled or grilled or baked with no added fat during cooking to , as well as beef and beef fat-free or fat-free meat sheep that used a maximum of twice a week and tuna, sardines or without oil, beans and lentils, Homs without overeating.
With regard to beverages and some foods such as dates, honey, jam, tea, coffee and soft drinks 0 (Diet), spices, spices, herbs, ketchup and soup, fat-free soup and vegetables are allowed. Without excessive weight and balance with the body.
(Consisting of cholesterol from: - excessive consumption ...............)
Whole milk, cream, egg yolk, cheese, biscuits, fatty meats, cholesterol and consists mainly of saturated fat found in different types of food, especially in the fat and ghee.
The high blood cholesterol due to consumption of these foods frequently to the narrowing of the arteries is responsible for these vessels deliver blood to all parts of the body and lead to a decrease in the amount of blood that feeds the whole body and heart as a member of it. If you reached this decrease in the amount of blood feeding the heart muscle to a low level, this will result in the disruption or cessation of the heart muscle to pump blood to different parts of the body, and that smoking, obesity and lack of physical exercise and also injured one of the parents or siblings of heart attack of the factors that increase the chances of exposure to heart attack or a rise in blood pressure.
This can be confirmed within a few minutes to know the level of cholesterol in blood. And then your doctor will provide the necessary advice and are not necessarily drug that some cases of high blood cholesterol can be controlled either dietary or physical exercise, or both. It may be obvious to reduce the above-mentioned foods and eat more fat, less saturated (eg chicken - turkey - rabbits - oily fish such as tuna) and also eat more fresh fruit and vegetables (especially artichokes).
(Artichokes handles cholesterol degree Imteaz)
LONDON: A recent British study of the University "Reading" the artichoke or "artichoke" benefit in the treatment of cholesterol, especially when it is in its early stages before reaching dangerous levels.
The study indicates that artichoke alone and without having to deal with any medicine, could eliminate the cholesterol is in its early stages.
It is noteworthy that cholesterol is the main reason for the blockage of the arteries and the resulting blockage of the arteries and heart disease that may be up to the fatal heart attack, official figures show that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in most countries of the world.
Explains Dr. Rafael Bondi, the study that the benefits of this plant is concentrated in the green leaves. Has been shown that the juice of such securities, or Alkha, helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood and clear and quick as well.
He says that there are dozens of types of vegetables and fruit useful in the treatment of cholesterol, characterized by these plants Kalokhaddr bright colors, red and yellow, especially citrus fruits and berries of all kinds, onions, parsley, green tea and .. Dark chocolate or black, according to the newspaper "Arab Times".
It should be noted that most of the peoples of the Mediterranean basin sees in artichoke (artichoke) an effective treatment for digestive problems of all, scientific research has demonstrated this feature of the modern plant that fills our markets throughout the year.
Cholesterol herbs
Are there any plants or herbs, or derivatives can reduce cholesterol?
(Yes, then yes, then yes)
1 - Apple Apple:
Eat Tvathtin or three apples per day reduced blood cholesterol, as the cortex of the apple pectin-rich material that removes deposits of cholesterol.
2 - Artichoke Artichoke as shown above.
3 - Carrots Carrots eat carrot a day you expel cholesterol
4 - Garlic Garlic
5 - Onion Onion
7 - Hawthorn Hawthorn
8 - oat bran Oat Bran
9 - Mustard Mustard
10 - soybeans Soybeans
11 - Fish Fish
* Can the person that reduces cholesterol without the use of any medicine.?
Yes, there are six ways you could, if followed to stay away from cholesterol drugs.
1 Cut the red meat as much as possible, and reducing the poultry meat.
2 Stay away from dairy products.
3 Do not over-eat eggs should not eat more than 4 eggs per week.
4 use of monounsaturated fats such as oil saturation Alsifara Filomara, almonds and olives.
5 Use the soluble fiber, such as Plantago Psyllium regularly in your food.
6 you walk daily and ongoing basis.
Ten Commandments for people with high fat and cholesterol: --
1 * away from ghee and butter and cream and generous, and allows the use of ghee made from corn oil.
2 * prefer to use olive oil or corn oil or sunflower oil in cooking, or added to the authorities. And prefer to avoid coconut oil and palm oil and vegetable oils (Vegetable Oils) without specifying the type.
3 * The best types of meat, which dealt with the injured cholesterol: fresh fish from the small and medium-sized and even be grilled or Msellouka, and chicken (without skin), and recommended decreasing the fat of meat in general and to avoid fat in meat, eat meat, preferably grilled or Msellouka (not fried), and are advised to avoid fried foods and fried foods in general.
4 * away from the egg yolk and the brain and liver and kidneys, and allows Bwhittin per week, and egg whites Fmsmouh him, and advised minimizing Alostakouzp and shrimp and crustaceans in general ..
5 * recommended moderation in drinking milk or skim milk, low fat and low-fat cheese, and skim milk (skimmed milk) and low-fat cheese, could be dealt with without restrictions.
6 * is recommended to avoid Arabic sweets and pastry and chocolate and ice cream, creams, soft drinks, unless they are of the type (Diet)
7 * allows a little nuts (Peanuts), such as peanuts and pistachio nuts and walnuts, and because they contain oils are not harmful, and be at the request of the self and all account without verification of such excess, which says (on my tongue and Tnsany) ... and where if ذاد is a bad thing to him and even if it was useful, and because it is very rich in calories (and prefer to refrain from).
8 * are advised to eat brown bread (and if it is thin), and a lot of vegetables, fruits, and reliance on carbohydrates such as potatoes and wheat (Groats and AllAfrica) and pasta instead of relying on fat.
9 * are advised to exercise walking fast for 20-30 minutes a day, or 3-4 times a week at least.
10 * recommended weight loss and access to the ideal weight as possible. (Measured along the body ... and then deducted from it a hundred) and the rest this is the ideal weight for the body.
(Is there an effective treatment for cholesterol)
Yes, there is the good of the herbal medicines to lower cholesterol as follows: --
Oats (Quaker), and you can make soup from it daily
And also drinking a glass of juice daily Islands
And eat three apples of the type red, and God willing will be reduced cholesterol
Also, garlic tablets in the form of a pharmaceutical preparation, located in pharmacies good cholesterol.
* The best thing to lower cholesterol is: -------
Garlic and celery, fenugreek, Avokato and sesame seeds and the type of fungus (mushrooms), known as Shestack (SHIITAKE).
For food is prohibited: --
Milk fat, or full-fat yogurt, and cream, and sweetened condensed milk and yoghurt, and dignified, and vegetables, fried or cooked with fat, or white sauce, or gravy, as well as canned vegetables and cooked. Alsifara Filomara not to eat the fruit, as well as the added fat bread, rice cooked with meat or iodized oil mixture, or butter, and Almikronp have added fat, sauce or red, or white, boiled potato or added to fat, or butter or Groats and Alsliq.
As well as all kinds of cheese than normal proportion of fat than 5%, made from ordinary milk, fried eggs or an omelet, or Alchukhukp, which have added fat in cooking as well as eggs in excess of the permitted number, fried or fatty meat mixed with grease, and skin chicken, or have fat added during cooking, the liver, kidneys, hearts Trotter, brain, spleen, the Sanat, Alascowza, lamb and shrimp, oil mixture, ghee, butter, cream, stones, nuts, grease, Almainoiz, Salsa, and margarine , and prefabricated foods, tahini red.
And desserts, pastries, and cakes, which enters in the manufacture of butter or margarine or cream or white eggs, ice cream, Almhellbip, Kramelli and cream, and chocolate, and sweets So go ahead and enter the nuts, coconut and flavorings such as Magi, mustard, gravy, or chicken soup with prefabricated or canned.
The food allowed are: --
Skimmed milk, yogurt or yogurt made from skimmed milk, vegetables, all boiled or green as it is, and all fruit juices except Alsifara Filomara, all types of bread without adding fat to, rice, Almikronp, potatoes without the fat, low-fat cheese Quraish less than 5 % fat, and eggs Fbhd maximum of three eggs a week, and just not Msellouka can be dealt with more than three eggs after the removal of any yolk albumin only, while the meat can eat chicken without the skin and other birds such as turkey, fish, boiled or grilled or baked with no added fat during cooking to , as well as beef and beef fat-free or fat-free meat sheep that used a maximum of twice a week and tuna, sardines or without oil, beans and lentils, Homs without overeating.
With regard to beverages and some foods such as dates, honey, jam, tea, coffee and soft drinks 0 (Diet), spices, spices, herbs, ketchup and soup, fat-free soup and vegetables are allowed. Without excessive weight and balance with the body.
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