

A study published in the International Journal of Obesity in America, that people who eat the amount of half a cup of tea of almonds a day, and at the same time follow a diet low calorie succeeded in reducing weight by 62 per cent more than the people who do not eat almonds.

The Panel believes, the study that the components of almonds can prevent the body from absorbing all the fat in it, as well as, the almonds are a good source of protein and dietary fiber, and rich in vitamin "A" and magnesium.

The research team also announced that eating 25 grams of almonds a day can help to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

At the same time, another study showed that women who were Ikthern from eating foods that contain whole grains or non-peeler I Zanhen 49 per cent over a period of 12 years, says researcher Dr. "Simon Ienyori" expert nutrition studies National Food Institute in New Jersey, those who dip in olive oil in their diet, eat fewer calories than they receive when they eat the same amount of bread with butter.

The researcher explains that by saying that olive oil is more satisfying, although the individual puts on a piece of bread and a quantity of oil than it puts the butter, but in the end eat a smaller amount of bread and oil.

In general, the best way to avoid cravings for a specific type of foods, is the introduction of multiple flavors and taste to this meal itself and the researcher proposes the introduction of elements of sweet and sour, bitter and salty in each meal, so as to make them more satisfying and more able to give us a sense of complacency.

It is clear from this that you can lose weight and enjoy agility and vitality if you follow the diet properly useful and nutritious, and if a ate almonds and bread with olive oil instead of butter and introduced multiple flavors in your meals food.


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