Reduce the amount of salt in the diet could save the lives of thousands

Reduce the amount of salt in the diet could save the lives of thousands

. U.S. researchers said that reducing the amount of salt in food can be a little bit to save the lives of thousands of people each year.

The basis of that study by researchers from the University of California, lowering the Americans to the amount of salt in their food by three grams a day can lead to avoidance of 44 thousand to 92 thousand deaths annually in the United States with high levels of salt in the diet of people relatively.

Other hand, the doctors found the possibility of reduction in the number of cases of diseases chronic heart by 60 thousand to 120 thousand annually in the United States and declining incidence of the sudden angina by 54 thousand to 99 thousand a year and fell injuries stroke rate of 32 thousand to 66 thousand per year in Americans for the reduction of the proportion of salt in their food, and this will lead to a reduction in the overall fiscal spending on health insurance and health care between 10 to 24 billion dollars annually.


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