Juice protects against dementia "early Alzheimer's"

Juice protects against dementia "early Alzheimer's"


Atehrt scientific study that eating fruit and vegetable juices frequently may protect against disease, "dementia" early "Alzheimer's."

The study continued for 10 years where a 2000 people, so the researchers obtained the results compelling.

The researchers found that the risk of infection by "Alzheimer's" was when diners juice three times a week less than 76% of those who were taking it less than once a week.

The study is published in the "American Journal of Medicine", and show evidence that this process may be controlled by the chemical compound called "Hydrogen Peroxide".

And is usually associated with the "Alzheimer's" accumulation of clumps of protein "beta amyloid" in the brain.

Many studies have shown that chemicals called "polyphenols" are available in a number of foods may hinder this process, and provide some protection against the disease, "Alzheimer's" by neutralizing the effect of damaging compounds called "free radicals".

But the new study gives more weight to previous research findings, as experts say the disease, "Alzheimer's" because it was a long-term and included a large group of people relatively.

Shows that fruits and vegetables are particularly rich in the "polyphenols". As the juice of vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants which increase the size of the "free radicals" and accumulation, the researchers found that the juice delay and hinder the secretion of these substances Alni cause changes early in the cells of the brain, and thus can prevent the risk of disease "dementia" early or The "Alzheimer's".

The head of the "Centre Alzheimer Society" in Britain, "Clive Ballard," The fruits and vegetables can also help in the prevention and reduction of blood pressure and keep the blood vessels in good shape.

It is noteworthy that there is a link between the "Alzheimer's" and lack of blood supply to the brain.


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