
Showing posts from December, 2012

Health Benefits of Brown Rice

                                                   Health Benefits of Brown Rice It helps metabolism of fats and proper functioning of thyroids. It prevents bad Cholestrol. Proved to prevent Type 2 Diabetes. It is rich in Vitamin E, which is necessary for healthy skin and promotes immunity. Prevents Cancer, Heart and Kidney disorders. It prevents Obesity. It improves muscular strength. Its Potassium prevents Strokes. It reduces Blood Sugar levels. It is rich souce of Iron.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

                                                   Health Benefits of Green Tea It is an excellent source of antioxidants. It burns fat and enables you to exercise longer. It rehydrates you better than water. It reduces high blood pressure. It lowers stress and boot brain power. It helps preserve and build bone. It prolongs life. It boots your immunity against illness. It helps to protect your liver from drinking and lungs from smoking.